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I vibe with Organic shapes and tend to explore and push the limits between organic aesthetics and functionality of the product.


Omni Remotes Project 

My concept of Octverse is to create a remote that is easy fro anyone to navigate and use, Based on my research, I have decided to go with a joystick because it is fast and easy for users to use and understand. Using just a joystick and a few buttons, users would easily adjust and adapt to the functions of the remote quickly.


On the top surface of the joystick, it contains a fingerprint sensor which would enable users to have a personalized touch which would welcome and show on the TV when they recognize the user of their thumbprint.





The remote is 'ON' when users put their fingerprint on the fingerprint sensor. There is a hole on the OTT Box for the users to place the remote back to the OTT Box when they are finish using the TV. The remote would snap into the hole with it facing the front like how Air Pods are when placed back into their case using magnets inside the remote and the hole for the remote to attract. My remote control and OTT Box are designed and inspired by clean and minimalist look, like Apple products. Hence, I decided to implement and corporate white and aluminum on my design. 





Innovative Bus Stop

FYP Project 

The chosen theme I have selected to work on for my FYP is the improvement of efficiency/ quality of life. I would be working on the improvement of the current bus stops that we have in Singapore.

From my research, these are the problems people mainly faced at the bus stop. I have decided to focus more on the problem of long waiting time since majority of the people I have interviewed found that it was their No.1 problem at the bus stop.

Knowing this information, how can we make the waiting time seems shorter and make it more meaningful for commuters?

My bus stop is designed to be placed at CBD areas where there would be more working adults in the area. As most working adults would have a phone with them, my charging would be more used by them when their phones have low battery. This would be more effective than if it was placed at other more uncommon locations near HBDs, which might have a different group that might not use the charging ports that I have implemented.


As my bus stop shelter is big in size, there would be more coverage for people when it is raining, allowing people to have more personal space compared to a normal bus stop.

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